Dirección Puebla: Hospital Ángeles Puebla Consultorio 3700 7º Piso Torre de Especialidades, Av. Kepler No. 2143. Reserva Territorial Atlixcáyotl, Puebla, México CP 72190.
Ophthalmic ultrasound is used with sound waves to reflect images of the surface of the eye, such as the retina. Similarly, OCT uses light waves to achieve its images, only with a resolution that is several hundred times higher.
This has been compared to looking at the retina under a microscope, which can only be done in real time with the living eye.
This has completely revolutionized the way that retinal specialists diagnose, treat, and control diseases such as macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, among others.
We specialize in using the most up-to-date, high-resolution OCTs and software available for cutting-edge imaging.