Oftalmólogo | Retinólogo
Teléfono: 55 5280.8432 / 55 5280.8549
Dirección CDMX: Av. Horacio 1008, Polanco, Polanco III Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11560 Ciudad de México, CDMX
Dirección Puebla: Hospital Ángeles Puebla Consultorio 3700 7º Piso Torre de Especialidades, Av. Kepler No. 2143. Reserva Territorial Atlixcáyotl, Puebla, México CP 72190.
Glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy secondary to increased pressure in the eye that causes loss of the visual field and can even lead to blindness.
There are several types, the most frequent is the chronic one that appears from the age of 40.
With early detection programs, glaucoma has been detected at very early stages. With proper treatment, it can be prevented to avoid loss of vision that when it appears, is irreversible.
Glaucoma screening tests are done:
Before age 40, every two to four years.
From age 40 to age 64, every one or two years.
After age 65, every six to 12 months.
Anyone with elevated risk factors should have a comprehensive eye exam every year or two after age 35.